How to Keep a Kid’s Room Clean and Organized

Keeping a kid’s room clean and organized can feel like an uphill struggle. Kids leave their toys on the floor after playing or scattering them around. An important step in keeping your child’s room clean is to come up with a plan. A well-structured cleaning plan can help you avoid overwhelm and help ensure that you can make time for the things you enjoy.


To help you get started, we have put together a list of some effective tips to keep your child’s room clean and organized. I’ll take a look.


Organize Toys 


Consider using under-bed storage, categorized and labeled containers, hanging shoe caddies, and shelves to store your child’s toys. Use under-bed storage to store large toy sets, board games, and other toys that your child does not play with often.


Use labeled containers to store all types of toys. When choosing containers, consider the dimensions of your child’s toys. Place them in cabinets or shelves. Shelve bulky stuffed toys on the wall to keep the room organized and add a playful element.


Cleaning a Kid’s Room


Kids spend a significant portion of their day in their bedrooms. Give your child’s bedroom a deep clean regularly to keep dirt and dust out of the space. Before you start cleaning your child’s room, make sure every item is in its designated place.


To minimize the amount of chemicals your child is exposed to, use eco-friendly cleaning products. If you cannot find an environmentally friendly cleaning product, make a cleaning solution at home using items found in every kitchen. Typical examples include baking soda, vinegar, and dishwasher detergent.


Instead of simply wiping down the furniture in your kid’s room with a damp cloth, use an antibacterial spray to sanitize surfaces. Vacuum floors, walls, and upholstery. Use the right attachment heads that allow your vacuum to access hard-to-reach corners.


Organize Kids’ Clothes 


Before organizing your child’s clothes, sort through them. Decide which types of clothes should go together. For example, night suits and pajamas should be stored together and party dresses such as T-shirts, jeans, and trousers should be kept together. You can also organize your child’s clothes by color so it is easier to find them and store them away.


Compartmentalize clothes within a closet or dresser using store-bought drawer dividers or containers designed to serve the same purpose. 


Install Hooks and Baskets Inside the Closet


Install hooks, baskets, or narrow trays inside the closet in your child’s room. Use them to store belts, scarves, and hats. This is a great way to utilize closet space which would otherwise have gone unused and ensure things can be stored in an organized manner.


Blue Ribbon Cleaning Services offers top-notch house cleaning services in Petaluma. We help our customers keep their homes sparkling clean and healthy all year round. To learn more, call (707) 588-0388.