Cleaning Tips to Prepare for an Open House


A homeowner needs to prepare for an open house when they are planning on selling their home. Remember, the first impression is the lasting impression. There are two reasons why making a positive first impression on prospective buyers is important:


  • Your home will sell faster
  • You will get a fairer price for your home

Here are some ways to prepare for an open house from Glen Ellen cleaning experts, Blue Ribbon Cleaning Services.

Clean Thoroughly

A dirty home gives a bad first impression and can be off putting to potential buyers. Clean your home thoroughly when preparing for an open house. To help you prioritize what you should consider cleaning, we’ve prepared a quick list below.


  • Dust and vacuum areas
  • Disinfect countertops and surface areas
  • Wipe mirrors and glasses
  • Wash every corner of your tubs, sinks, and toilets

If you detest cleaning chores, hire open house cleaning services to ensure that your home is perfectly prepared. If you want your cleaning expert to perform some additional tasks such as give them clear, understandable instructions.


Most home buyers get driven away by cluttered rooms. A cluttered home won’t help prospective buyers envision themselves living there. Follow these tips to declutter different rooms in your home.



  1. Discard outdated cosmetics, medicines, and skincare products.
  2. Declutter the storage area below your bathroom sink.
  3. Keep items that you regularly use at eye level.

The bedroom:

  1. Check your nightstands and remove items on them that do not belong there.
  2. Get rid of items you no longer use.
  3. Go through every dresser, drawer by drawer.
  4. Consider donating clothes you no longer use.

The kitchen: A typical kitchen has several different types of items stored in it. To avoid feeling overworked and overwhelmed:

  1. Focus on one category of items at a time.
  2. Empty each space to assess each item.
  3. Put every item that you use back where it belongs.
  4. Keep what you use every day on your countertops.

Give Your Exterior a Makeover

Cleaning and decluttering your exterior is as important as interior house cleaning. After all, it is the first area your visitors see. Get rid of dead bushes and plants, weed the flower beds, trim and edge your lawn, and remove garbage. Consider adding a fresh coat of paint to liven up your exterior and increase your home’s aesthetic appeal.

Make Sure Your Home Smells Amazing

Most people love the smell of freshly baked treats. Bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies or a pie before staging an open house. Add essential oils to your air filter. Sparkling baking soda on mattresses will make them smell fresh. Consider also adding an air freshener to your vent or diffuse essential oils.


Are you looking for open house cleaning services in Glen Ellen? Look no further than Blue Ribbon Cleaning Services. We use high-quality cleaning products and proven techniques to clean every nook and cranny of a home effectively in preparation for an open house. To enquire about our services, call (707) 588-0388.