3 Things to Do Before Hiring a Cleaning Service

Busy families can only fit so much into their day. If you feel overwhelmed as you try to keep up with work deadlines while also shuffling your children to their activities and attending social activities, you may want to hire a cleaning service to remove many domestic tasks from your to-do list. Here are a few things you should do before you hire your cleaning service.

1. Determine Your Ideal Cleaning Schedule

If you want the cleaning service to regularly clean your home, decide what type of cleaning schedule you prefer them to follow. A common option is for the service to complete one deep-cleaning session and then clean your entire home every week or biweekly. However, if you have certain areas of your home that your family seldom uses, this schedule may not work for your needs.

For example, say that you live in a home with four bedrooms and a basement. Your family infrequently uses two of the bedrooms and the basement. Since these areas stay cleaner for longer periods, you might have your housecleaner rotate these areas during your sessions.

Or maybe you feel like you handle day-to-day chores well — such as washing dishes, sweeping floors, and dusting — but neglect more time-intensive tasks such as scrubbing your grout, vacuuming under your furniture, and cleaning your baseboards. You can schedule a monthly deep clean to tackle these labor-intensive tasks.

Tell the cleaning service ahead of time what kind of schedule you prefer. This helps the service better meet your needs by making sure that your cleaners are available when you need them.

2. Convey Any Special Requests Concerning Cleaning Products

Cleaning services are happy to make adjustments to their cleaning procedures to ensure the satisfaction of their customers. If you prefer not to use certain types of cleaners or require a certain cleaning method, convey these requests to the company so that they understand your expectations.

For example, if you have pets, you may prefer that your cleaning company avoid using products with bleach or ammonia on surfaces where your pets walk or rest. You can ask the cleaning service to use natural products or non-harmful ingredients — such as vinegar and baking soda — so that you don’t expose your pets to ingredients that can harm them.

Some cleaning techniques are a matter of preference. One common area of contention is how to best cleaning methods for blinds include vacuuming them, hand-dusting them, cleaning them with a wet cloth, and submerging them completely in soap and water.

If you prefer that the cleaning service take your blinds down and submerge them, tell them. This will help your cleaners understand your preferences and ensure that they allot sufficient time for cleaning your home.

3. Ask for Additional Services in Advance of Your Session

When you book a cleaning session, the cleaning service will schedule your cleaners based on the services that you request. The cleaners only have a certain length of time allotted to your home before they have to go their next customer.

If you want the cleaners to complete tasks that they don’t typically handle, like folding laundry, cleaning out your fridge, or organizing your cabinets, you need to request these services well before your session so that the cleaners can schedule ample time to get them done.

Unfortunately, if you ask to add these items on the day or night before your session, your cleaners may not have enough time in their schedules to complete them.

Ready to take back your free time? Contact Blue Ribbon Cleaning Services to schedule your next house-cleaning session.